Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Shine Greatness

The event of the year has come and gone just as quickly as it arrived, National FFA Convention. Throughout convention we saw student's from across the nation "Shine Greatness," as the retiring National FFA Officer Caleb Gustin proclaimed during session. FFA members have a way of shining their greatness where ever they go. Each and everyone of them chose to go above and beyond what is expected of them in the classroom to better each of their lives. Some individuals chose to better develop themselves in; livestock evaluation, some public speaking, and for a very select group parliamentary procedure.

This select group of students have chosen to exemplify the meaning of shining greatness. They have worked extremely hard to finally reach the big stage at national convention where they are able to put their skills to the test. It is truly inspiring to witness both the novice and senior parliamentary events. It is evident that each student not only practiced regularly with their teams but have also gone above and beyond to prepare for the event.

As these students grace the stage for the finals round, it is their time to shine greatness. A time to demonstrate all their hard work. A time to recognize all their dedication has finally paid off. Each state has amplified their reason for making it to the finals.

I was able to learn so much about teaching parliamentary procedure as well as well as how the career development event is run. Not only did I get to experience the novice event first hand I was able to be inspired by the students participating in the senior event. I cannot wait to take what I learned through these experiences to help my own students develop these skills and shine greatness.

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