Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Three Strikes You're Outta Here

It's the bottom of the final inning of the last game of the world series. This is the time of year to show off all their hard work and determination, hoping it pays of. The players line up in the dugout for their last chance at a grand slam for the season. The first player takes their place at the plate waiting for that perfect pitch.
In reference to our Parliamentary Procedure class this seems quite fitting for this point in the semester. This fall has been a learning experience for all the agricultural education students on our team. We learned the fundamentals and then it was our turn to sharpen up our skills to practice our knowledge. We tested our skills in Parli Pro demonstrations and learned new educational games like base ball to prepare us for the next round. We won a few games and lost a few on our practice exams learning from our mistakes, and spending a little extra time with our coach Robert (Rober's Rules that is) to make sure we were ready for the next one.
This is it the final game of the world series, tomorrow our team members will take their spot at the plate in hopes of that grand slam. Tomorrow we will be trading in our field for the classroom, switching our bats up for pencils and be prepared to take a swing at the society of Agricultural Education Parliamentarians accreditation exam, with our final goal of hitting that grand slam and becoming registered parliamentarians.

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