Previous Notice: “A
requirement of previous notice means that announcement that the motion will be
introduced-indicating its exact content as described below-must be included in
the call of the meeting at which the motion will be brought up”
(RONR 11th ed.), pg. 121, II. 22-27
“The call of a meeting is generally sent to all members a
reasonable time in advance, which may be prescribed in the bylaws.”
(RONR 11th ed.), pg. 121, II. 30-32
Rescind and Previous
Notice: A motion to rescind will only “require previous notice if they are
to be adopted by only a majority vote. Accordingly, it is ordinarily desirable
to give previous notice if there is a possibility of serious disagreement”
(RONR 11th ed.), pg. 122, II. 5-8
The previous notice can be given when someone else has the floor
if they have not begun to speak, while business is pending and even after the
vote to adjourn has been made if the chair has not declared the meeting
The reason previous notice is so important for the rescind
is because members need to have time to decide before debating on it. If members
were aloud to constantly rescind motions without some notice, then heated
arguments could be recycled throughout a meeting, thus a rescind would be counterproductive.
Hence why 2/3 vote is required without previous notice, so it is not easy to
undo the work of the assembly.
The Effect of Rescind:
Rescind aka Repeal or Annul is used to strike out the entirety of a main
motion, resolution or rule previously adopted. Basically, to bring back a
motion and then kill it. The motion Amend Something Previously adopted will
bring back a motion for it to be amended.
Rescind vs.
Reconsider vs. To Call Up Reconsider vs. Reconsider and Enter:
Rescind: Bring
back passed motion to kill it.
Reconsider: Bring
back motion that could of either passed or failed for the assembly to reconsider
the vote. Difference from rescind: Does not debate on the motion but rather the
vote for the motion.
To Call Up Reconsider:
To make a motion to reconsider when it is not able to be acted upon and
then taking it up later.
Reconsider and Enter: To
vote to reconsider a motion before it can be acted upon, then calling up the reconsider
at a different session. Enter in to minutes provides a sort of previous notice to
gain support.
Why Use Reconsider
and Enter?
Say I make a motion to spend our time in #AgEdParli by playing
non-stop checkers. You know you don’t have the votes to shut this down, so you
make a motion to reconsider and enter to the minutes. This will place a suspending
effect on the original motion. Meaning, it will not be taken up until it is
called up at the next meeting. Therefore, you will be able to rally more votes
until then, and fellow members will see that you would like to reconsider this
motion that is suspended.
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