As you instructor, I am stoked to have you in this practical parliamentary procedure class because I know it will equip you to maximize your leadership impact with specific skills. The class is designed as if the term "parliamentary procedure" was heard for the first time on the first day!
By the end of 15 weeks, we have three big goals:
- Be confident in using parliamentary procedure in organizations as positive change agent in communities.
- Have command over content to capacity of earning the accredited parliamentarian credential from the Society of Agricultural Education Parliamentarians.
- Be capable of leading students in purposeful instruction and/or competitive youth events in parliamentary procedure.
Day 1 Tasks!
- Please come with a great attitude!
- Complete the emailed readings[Hint: the first task will be answer the prompt, What struck you about the readings?]:
- 5 pages – Reflections on Public Misunderstanding of Parliamentary Procedure by Henry Martin Robert, III (Great Grandson of HMR)
- 1 page – Chronology of the life of HMR
- Please review the syllabus (attached) and contemplate if you have questions.
Unique Opportunities
Be thinking about if you would like to attend the National FFA Convention and assist with the National Parliamentary Procedure Event. The Convention commitment would be from Tuesday, October 24 to Saturday, October 28th. By enrolling in this class, you will be given preference to attend (but you will also need to be a dues paying member of either TeachAgSociety or CFFA). For $100, we will provide transportation, lodging, registration, and most meals. I will need to make these decision before we depart for Labor Day Holiday.
See you on Tuesday!
Dr. Foster
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